Friday, April 16, 2010

my definition of a normal day


All this utter randomness at school must be affecting me. I'm becoming more random than I've ever been before.


I haven't come here to blab about my randomness. I've come to blab about today.

It started out normal today. Had chapel, sang songs... the like. After that I changed the answer keys for LA( I was the assistant monitor) and sat down to prepare for my LIFEPAC test.

Just like a normal day.

Things went on, with the brief interruption caused by Yu Shearn attempting to clean the toilet. I say "attempting" 'cause it took about three people to assist him in scrubbing the toilet. And no, I didn't mean to insult.

Well after I finished preparing I handed in my tattered book and wasted approximately five minutes asking the whole school whether they had a LIFEPAC Test 803 LA with them. Two minutes after asking Garrett for the test I handed it in to Sher-Mayne, who had to photocopy it. While I was hanging around and waiting Charis walked up to me and asked me what part of a rhubarb do we eat.

"Root." I answered.

"Aaaah...OK. What's an artichoke?"

"A sort of flower that we eat." I said. Then Charis asked a question I didn't know.

"What part of a cauliflower do we eat?"

"I don't know." I admitted. "Wait, I'll ask Karmen."

I turned to her, seeing that she was sitting just behind me. "What part of a cauliflower do we eat?"

"I don't know." she said.

"Then I'll ask Basil." I said. I turned to Basil. But before I could even ask the question, I had started to giggle. You see, I have a problem that just does not allow me to speak to some people without laughing first. Basil is one of them.

So while I was sniggering away, Karmen asked the question for me.

"How am I supposed to know? I hate cauliflower!" Basil said.

"Then I'll ask Jon." I said, having controlled myself. I walked up to him.

"What part of a cauliflower do we eat?"

He didn't answer.

"It's for Charis," I said, a bit uncomfortably. To prove my point, I waved a hand at her who was just standing behind me.

"I don't care." replied Jon. "I just throw it in my mouth and chew it and swallow it."


I burst out in giggles again. Of all witty questions, he chose this?


We asked David. He gave the same answer as Basil: he hated cauliflower. At last we found out the long sought-after answer: it was the flower. It seemed pretty obvious after that.


My hand is tired. Plus it's almost 12 pm. I have to stop now.

Good night.

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