Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010

2009's gone. 2010's here.

Do you ever get a strange feeling when New Year's Eve comes?

I do. It's like a half-sense of loss and regret. It's also like a very weird sense of awe and amazement, that the time can pass so quickly. In the beginning of the year, you think it can last forever.... and then, in a flash, a blink of an eye, it's gone.

Last night my mum and dad were staring at the TV, counting down the seconds to 2010. I was on the bed, staring at the radio clock, doing the same thing, but with the strange sad feeling.










I rolled over on the bed and groaned. A long, loud groan.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" my mum screamed, rushing in to me. She then slipped on her sandals and screamed it to the budgies. Then to the turtle. Then she grabbed the phone and started texting. My dad did too.

Guess what were my first words of greeting to 2010.


I recall 2009 fondly. Memories of camp, Awards Night, photoshoot. My first day being a senior. When I pierced my ears. Laughter and tears, love and heartbreak. Loss and gain. Anger, anxiety, doubt, fear, exasperation.

Oh, and finally, faith and God.

Well, it's all over now. A new year has come, and I again must climb the ladder. The Ladder of Life. Well, so as I call it.

I have a birthday announcement to make.

Yeah, I know it's on December 28, and I'm almost a week late. Sorry.
Have a blessed 8th year, Ryan! I hope you enjoy yor Warrior Cats website hunting game (I never know how you only failed twice in WindClan and ShadowClan-you must have some secret tactic).
Your cousin, Zhao Yu a.k.a Blueshadow ;>

Thursday, December 24, 2009

All of a sudden... the year passes so fast... it's Christmas.
It's not that I'm sad or anything. It's just that I'm having pretty mixed feelings. I love Christmas, it's second to my birthday, but I'm having really mixed feelings about saying farewell to 2009. All those who know me rather well know that I just like to remain where I am.
Enough talk about that now. This is Christmas, come on! We should spread on the cheer. Now what I'd really like to do now is wish you a
Thanks for the sms guys! ; )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thank you God.

Thanks for making me as me. Thank you for the rainbow last Sunday. Thank you for bringing me to Vineyard. Thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you for Honey. Thank you for helping me achieve all my goals. Thank you for helping me through all of my predicaments and dilemmas. Thank you for not leaving me. Thank you for redeeming me.

Thank you....for everything.

I Can...

I can walk

I can run

I can jump

I can fly

I can talk

I can tell

I can read

I can write

I can go to school

I can learn

I can graduate

I can have a friend

I can be a friend

I can teach

I can correct

I can hear

I can listen

I can look

I can see

I can save lives

I can help the poor

I can feed the hungry

I can learn about Christ

I can preach the Word

I can bring others to God

I can bless hearts

I can console

I can.